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Coquelic (Coco) Build Crimebrands Recomendation Path To Nowhere

coquelic crimebrands build path to nowhere

coquelic crimebrands Alluring character tantalizes players during the Rain Burst Event, making her debut as a playable character in the Flora Unfurl event, alongside fellow companions Christina and Shalom. As we delve into Coquelic’s character details, abilities, and attributes, you’ll uncover what makes her a standout character in the game.

Coquelic Profile

Name: Coquelic (Coco)

MBCC Code: MBCC-S-053

Assessment: S-Rank

Group: Limbo

Roles: Catalyst

Basic Information

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: Eastside
  • Date of Birth: September 23
  • Height: 156cm
  • Alignment: LIMBO


Floral Sword Slash: Coquelic is known for her mastery of the Floral Sword Slash. She excels at using allied units to maximize her output, entering the battle with a full charge of lethal energy.

Sinner Information

Info: Coquelic is a Sinner adept at utilizing allied units for output. She enters the battle fully charged with lethal energy, ready to make her mark.

Mania Intensify: Conquer the Enemy: Coquelic deals 10% more damage, with an additional 10% for enemies with broken cores. Her prowess in combat is unmatched, making her a valuable addition to any team.

Additional Information

Voice Actor: Sakula小舞

Name Variations:

  • Chinese Name: 可可莉克

Basic Attributes


Compliance: Coquelic’s compliance levels unlock various abilities and enhancements as she grows stronger. Her unique skills can be enhanced as follows:

  • 10%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, ATK+4, HP+52
  • 20%: ATK+4, HP+52
  • 30%: ATK+4, HP+52
  • 40%: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 1, ATK+4, HP+52 (Unlock Requirements: Dispatch Coquelic 2 times)
  • 50%: ATK+5, HP+52
  • 60%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term
  • 70%: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 2
  • 80%: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 3 (Unlock Requirements: Complete Coquelic’s Interrogation)
  • 90%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, Sticker
  • 100%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, Unlock Voice: Full Compliance, Tomb of Flowers


Coquelic’s shackles empower her with unique abilities, making her an even more formidable presence on the battlefield. Here are the stages of her shackles:

Stage 1 - Pistil: Each time Coquelic casts an Ultimate, she gains an extra [Floral Sword Slash].

Stage 2 - Shackles Sync I: This stage grants Coquelic an Attack boost of 5%.

Stage 3 - Budding Flower: The trigger interval of [Floral Sword Slash] is reduced to 10 seconds.

Stage 4 - Floral Language: At the start of the battle, Coquelic automatically enters the [Scarlet Flower] state.

Stage 5 - Shackles Sync II: This stage further enhances her Attack by 5%.


Final Prologue:

  • Attack: 2.4% - 4.8%
  • Health: 4% - 8%
  • Healing Effect: 4% - 8%
  • Healing is increased by 25%.

Memory Anomaly (Mon.Thu.Sun) - Eastside: Dream:

  • Attack: 1.8% - 3.6%
  • Health: 3% - 6%
  • Normal Attack: 3% - 6%
  • Normal attack damage increased by 15%.

Resonance Anomaly (Wed.Sat.Sun), Memory Anomaly (Mon.Thu.Sun), Impression Anomaly (Tue.Fri.Sun)

Coquelic’s Skills

Thorned Blade (Basic Attack)

Coquelic attacks with her sword, dealing True Damage with each slash. Her basic attack is a Cross 1 Icon move, making her a versatile combatant.

Poppy (Ultimate)

Coquelic grants all allied units within a single square [Scarlet Flower], which lasts for the entire battle. When this Ultimate is used again, allied units already carrying [Scarlet Flower] will recover HP equal to her Attack. [Scarlet Flower] recipients recover HP every time Coquelic deals Normal Attack Damage to an enemy, further solidifying her role as a support character.

Floral Sword Slash (Passive)

Every 15 seconds, Coquelic’s next Normal Attack becomes a Multi-Slash Attack. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times, consuming 1 stack each time it is used. [Floral Sword Slash] starts with 5 slashes, and for each allied unit carrying [Floral Sword Slash] on the field, Coquelic will deal an additional slash, up to 10 slashes. Each slash deals True Damage, which counts as Normal Attack Damage and will not cause Critical Hits.

Timeless Memory (Passive)

Coquelic gains an Attack boost of 6%. She also accumulates Energy for each slash of [Floral Sword Slash], making her an efficient attacker and support character.

River of Flowers (Exclusive Crimebrand Skill)

Coquelic enters a sword-wielding state during this unique skill. When an allied unit with [Scarlet Flower] deals Normal Attack Damage to an enemy, Coquelic has a chance to deal a [Floral Sword Slash] to that enemy. The duration of this state increases with skill level, making it an invaluable addition to her arsenal.

  • Lv. 2: There is a 90% chance of triggering a slash, lasting for 8 seconds.
  • Lv. 3: There is a 100% chance of triggering a slash, lasting for 10 seconds.
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