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Garofano Path To Nowhere Builds Guide Tips

Garofano Path To Nowhere

garofano path to nowhere builds

Garofano’s Profile

Gender: Female

Garofano is a formidable female character, known for her exceptional skills and enigmatic aura.

Birthplace: Eastside

Hailing from the mysterious Eastside, Garofano’s origins are shrouded in mystery.

Date of Birth: July 23

Garofano was born on July 23, adding a touch of astrological intrigue to her character.

Height: 165cm

Standing at 165cm, she possesses a commanding presence on the battlefield.

Alignment: SLOTH

Garofano’s alignment as “SLOTH” hints at her laid-back demeanor, which can be deceiving in the heat of battle.

Ability: Piercing Erosion

Her unique ability, “Piercing Erosion,” is her trademark, allowing her to inflict Core Damage when unleashing her Ultimate.

Criminal Record: FAC Official Serial Assassination Case

Garofano’s dark past is marked by involvement in the FAC Official Serial Assassination Case, making her a compelling character in “Path To Nowhere.”

Mania Intensify

Garofano’s intensity on the battlefield is evident through her “Mania Intensify” skill, which increases her prowess as the battle rages on.

Stacking Needles

With “Stacking Needles,” Garofano can deal 20% more damage to enemies marked with [Weakspot], making her a versatile assassin.

Exclusive Crimebrand: Heart’s Lament

Garofano’s exclusive skill, “Heart’s Lament,” adds an intriguing layer to her character. This ability removes all [Weakspot] marks in range and deals significant Physical Damage to those targets, making her a force to be reckoned with.

Additional Information

Voice Actor: Yang Yanli (CN)

Garofano’s character comes to life through the skilled voice acting of Yang Yanli.

Name Variations

Chinese Name: 加洛法诺

For our Chinese-speaking audience, Garofano is known as “加洛法诺.”

Basic Attributes

Garofano’s basic attributes reflect her strength and resilience on the battlefield:

  • HP: 1042
  • Attack: 136
  • Defense: 84
  • Magic Resistance: 77
  • Block: 1
  • Speed: 0.86

Level Progression

As Garofano levels up, her attributes grow, making her an increasingly formidable character:

  • Level 10: HP 1274, Attack 166, Defense 102, MRes 94, Block 1, Speed 0.86
  • Level 20: HP 1351, Attack 176, Defense 108, MRes 99, Block 1, Speed 0.86
  • Level 30: HP 2008, Attack 261, Defense 161, MRes 148, Block 1, Speed 0.86
  • Level 40: HP 2266, Attack 295, Defense 182, MRes 167, Block 1, Speed 0.86

Compliance and Unlocking Potential

Garofano’s compliance levels affect her performance and abilities:

  • 10% Compliance: Unlock File - Performance in Serving Term, ATK+4, HP+52
  • 20% Compliance: ATK+4, HP+52
  • 30% Compliance: ATK+4, HP+52

As Garofano’s compliance increases, she unlocks various bonuses and abilities, including special conversations, additional ATK, and HP.


Garofano’s shackles represent her growth and enhanced abilities:

  • Stage 1 - Shackles Sync I: Attack +5%
  • Stage 2 - Guardian Resolution: [Piercing Erosion] Duration is extended by 2 seconds.
  • Stage 3 - Shackles Sync II: Attack +5%
  • Stage 4 - Energy Overflowing: At the start of the battle, Garofano gains 10 points of energy.
  • Stage 5 - Shackles Sync III: Attack +5%


Garofano’s skills define her prowess in “Path To Nowhere”:

Hidden Needles - Basic Attack

  • Garofano unleashes a flurry of flying needles, dealing (Attack *74%) Physical Damage with each strike.

Pinpoint - Ultimate

  • Garofano throws a Pinpoint needle at an enemy within a single grid, dealing (Attack *450%) Physical Damage and 1 Core Damage. [Pinpoint] can be charged twice at most.

Piercing Gaze - Passive

  • Increases Attack by 5%. [Pinpoint] marks enemies’ [Weakspot], effective for the battle’s duration.

Piercing Erosion - Passive

  • When an enemy is marked with [Weakspot], Garofano deals (Attack *60%) Physical Damage every second for 6 seconds.

Heart’s Lament - Exclusive Crimebrand Skill

  • Garofano’s new Exclusive Ultimate, “Heart’s Lament,” removes all [Weakspot] marks in range and deals (Attack *500%) Physical Damage to those targets. They take 8% more damage for 12 seconds. When Garofano dispels [Weakspot] with this, she gains 14 Energy. [Heart’s Lament] can only be used twice in each battle.

    • Level 2: Damage is increased to 750%.
    • Level 3: Damage is increased to 1000%. Takes 16% more damage.
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