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Macchiato Path To Nowhere Crimebrands Build

Macchiato Path To Nowhere Crimebrands Build

macchiato crimebrands

Macchiato’s Rarity

Macchiato belongs to the rare “B” type character category in the game. Her rarity makes her a unique addition to your team, and understanding her abilities is crucial to gaining an upper hand in battles.

Macchiato’s Job: Catalyst

Macchiato serves as a catalyst in your team, driving the gameplay forward with her exceptional abilities. Let’s explore her role and the impact she can have on your team’s success.

Unveiling Macchiato’s Stats

To make the most of Macchiato, it’s essential to understand her statistics. Here’s a breakdown of her maximum and minimum stats:

Maximum Stats:

  • HP: N/A
  • ATK: N/A
  • DEF: N/A
  • RES: N/A

Minimum Stats:

  • HP: 768
  • ATK: 113
  • DEF: 49
  • RES: 49

Macchiato: The Original Portrait

Every character in Path to Nowhere has a unique portrait that sets them apart. Macchiato’s original portrait embodies her character and abilities, making her a standout choice for your team.

Macchiato’s Skills: Unleash the Power

Macchiato possesses a set of powerful skills that can turn the tide of battle. Let’s take a closer look at her skills:

1. Range

Lash (Basic Attack): Macchiato attacks enemies with her whip, dealing 80% of her Attack as Magic Damage with each strike.

2. Motivating Whip (Ultimate Skill - 30 Energy Consumption):

Macchiato lashes an allied Sinner, making them “Motivated” for 10 seconds. While “Motivated,” the Sinner restores 3.5% of their Max HP.

3. Double the Torture:

When dealing damage to enemies, Macchiato inflicts “Torture.” Any allied Sinner hitting an enemy with “Torture” restores 1% of their Max HP.

4. Pain Normalization:

When “Motivated,” the Sinner receives an extra 15% damage reduction bonus.

Special Ability Description

“Macchiato Exclusive Brand”: When the enemy marked with “Motivated” dies, all friendly units recover 3/4/5% of their maximum health.


Macchiato is a Sinner who excels at supporting her allies. She increases Energy Recovery Speed by 10%.

Leader Skill: Potent Healing

Macchiato’s leadership skills are invaluable to your team. Her “Potent Healing” skill increases healing by 10%, ensuring your team’s survival in challenging battles.

Shackles: Unleash Her True Potential

Macchiato’s Shackles are a game-changer. Let’s explore these enhancements:

1. Delayed Gratification

“Motivated” state duration is extended by 4 seconds.

2. Shackles Sync I

Healing effect increased by 5%.

3. Delight

When “Motivated,” Macchiato recovers 3% of Max HP upon taking damage.

4. Emotional Resonance

Ultimate Energy Consumption is reduced by 3 points.

5. Shackles Sync II

Healing effect increased by 5%.

Affinity: Strengthening Bonds

Macchiato’s affinity with other characters can greatly enhance her abilities. Here’s a glimpse of what you can unlock:

  • Unlocked Data: Monitoring Record, Life +38, Magic Resistance +3
  • Health +38, Magic Resist +3
  • Unlocking Voice: Special Conversation 1, Life +38, Magic Resistance +3 Unlocking Conditions: Dispatch Macchiato 10 times
  • Health +38, Magic Resist +3
  • Unlock Data: Surveillance Records
  • Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 2
  • Unlocking Voice: Special Conversation 3, Unlocking Condition: Macchiato’s Shackle synchronization rate increased to 5
  • Emoji
  • Unlock Voice: Full Obedience, Title: Sweet Pain

Crimebrand Recommendation: Healing Mastery

Macchiato excels in the art of healing. Her “Final Prologue” skill enhances healing by 25%, making her a crucial asset to your team’s survival.


In Path to Nowhere, Macchiato is more than just a character; she’s a game-changer. Her abilities to support, heal, and empower her team make her a valuable addition to any lineup. Harness the power of Macchiato, and lead your team to victory in the mystical world of Path to Nowhere.

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy