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Mantis Crimebrands Path To Nowhere

Mantis Crimebrands Path To Nowhere

mantis crimebrands

Mantis: A Deep Dive into the S-Rank Threat

In the realm of “Path To Nowhere,” one character stands out as a formidable force: Mantis (曞įž‡æ–Ŋ). This enigmatic sinner boasts a threat level of S-Rank, making her a force to be reckoned with. Introduced alongside the thrilling Eternal Nightmare event, Mantis can be acquired through strategic Arrests.

Exploring Mantis’s Background

Birthplace and Identity

Mantis hails from an undisclosed location marked as “■■,” adding an air of mystery to her origin. Her date of birth is recorded as November 28, and she stands at a height of 171cm. Aligned with the forces of IMMORTAL, Mantis possesses the unique ability of Biological Mimicry.

Sinner Information

Contamination by DisSea

Mantis, highly contaminated by the malevolent DisSea, experiences a surge in power with every dealt blow. Accumulating 2 M-Value per instance of damage, she can amass up to 10 M-Value per second. Upon reaching 50 M-Value, she enters a formidable [Corruption State], gaining an 8% Attack increase while consuming 4 M-Value per second. The [Corruption State] ends when M-Value reaches 0.

Mania Intensify

In moments of fierceness, Mantis experiences a CRIT Rate boost of 10%, enhancing her combat prowess.

Exclusive Crimebrand: Promise Land

Delving deeper into her arsenal, Mantis’s exclusive crimebrand, Promise Land, adds another layer of complexity to her character.

Additional Insights

Bringing Mantis to Life

Giving voice to this captivating character is Wang Yanhua (įŽ‹į‡•åŽ), providing depth to Mantis’s persona. In the Chinese context, she goes by the name 曞įž‡æ–Ŋ.

Unveiling Mantis’s Strength: Basic Attributes


Mantis’s Shackles


Mantis’s compliance journey unfolds as follows:

  • 10%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, ATK+6
  • 20%: ATK+6
  • 30%: ATK+6
  • 40%: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 1, ATK+6 (Unlock Requirements: Dispatch Mantis 2 times)
  • 50%: ATK+7
  • 60%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term
  • 70%: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 2
  • 80%: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 3 (Unlock Requirements: Complete Mantis’ Mirage Phase I)
  • 90%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, Sticker
  • 100%: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, Unlock Voice: Full Compliance, The Last Explorer

Crimebrands Recomendation

A. Build 1


    • Source: TIDE OF ASHES 2
    • I: Attack +3% → II: Attack +6%
    • Set Bonus: CRIT Rate +12%
    • Note: Excellent choice for slot 1 for any Crit-based Sinner.

    • Source: TIDE OF ASHES 4
    • I: Health +5% → II: Health +10%, III: Crit Damage +10% → III: Crit Damage +20%
    • Set Bonus: After a normal attack, the next normal attack will be 2 quick attacks, with the second attack returning 3 points of energy. Triggers up to 1 time every 5 seconds.

    • Source: TIDE OF ASHES 4
    • I: Health +5% → II: Health +10%, III: Crit Damage +10% → III: Crit Damage +20%
    • Set Bonus: After a normal attack, the next normal attack will be 2 quick attacks, with the second attack returning 3 points of energy. Triggers up to 1 time every 5 seconds.

B. Build 2


    • I: Attack +3% → II: Health +5% → III: Attack +3%
    • Set Bonus: Damage dealt to enemies in a Breaking state is increased by 40%.
    • Note: Massive damage amplification, considered one of the most important Crimebrands sets.

    • I: Attack +3% → II: Health +5% → III: Attack +3%
    • Set Bonus: Damage dealt to enemies in a Breaking state is increased by 40%.
    • Note: Massive damage amplification, considered one of the most important Crimebrands sets.

    • I: Attack +3% → II: Health +5% → III: Attack +3%
    • Set Bonus: Damage dealt to enemies in a Breaking state is increased by 40%.
    • Note: Massive damage amplification, considered one of the most important Crimebrands sets.

Shackles Unleashed

Mantis’s shackles manifest in stages, each amplifying her prowess:

  • Stage 1: Piercing Instinct
    • [Perforating Sickle]’s CRIT Rate Limit increases by an extra 4 times. An extra 2 is acquired each time [Aerial Calamity] hits an allied Sinner.
  • Stage 2: Shackles Sync I
    • Attack +5%
  • Stage 3: Predator
    • After Mantis deals damage, the M-Value she gains increases by 1, and her maximum per-second gain increases by 5.
  • Stage 4: Energy Overflowing
    • At the start of the battle, Mantis gains 15 Energy.
  • Stage 5: Shackles Sync II
    • Attack +5%

Skills and Abilities

Sever - Basic Attack

Mantis strikes with her dual scythes. Each attack deals (Attack *65.6%) Physical Damage. In [Corruption State], she gains a 20% Attack Speed bonus, dealing (Attack *80.5%) Physical Damage.

Aerial Calamity - Ultimate

Mantis unleashes a devastating (Attack *700%) Physical Damage and 1 Core Damage to all enemies within skill range. In [Corruption State], she deals (Attack *1050%) Physical Damage and 2 Core Damage, taking a swift turn back instead of moving to the furthest point within skill range.

Perforating Sickle - Passive

Gain a 3% CRIT Rate increase every time [Aerial Calamity] hits an enemy. This effect can stack up to 8 times.

Natural Hunter - Passive

When Mantis uses [Sever], [Aerial Calamity], or [Wilderness Adventurer] to deal damage on enemies, different effects apply based on Mantis’s orientation:

  • If facing forward: Mantis recovers (Damage *3%) HP.
  • If facing another direction: Mantis gains a 35% CRIT Damage boost.

Wilderness Adventurer - Exclusive Crimebrand Skill

Mantis gains a 25% CRIT Damage boost and introduces the new Exclusive Ultimate [Wilderness Adventurer]. This move allows Mantis to move into the specified grid and deliver frontal and rear attacks on all enemies within a 3x3 square. Each attack deals (Attack *250%) Physical Damage, with a 10-second cooldown after each use and a maximum of two uses per battle.

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy