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Rahu Path To Nowhere Crimebrands And Build Recomendation

Rahu Path To Nowhere Crimebrands

rahu crimebrandspath to nowhere

Basic Information


Rahu is a female character, adding depth and diversity to the game’s character roster.


Rahu hails from the enigmatic Syndicate, a place shrouded in secrecy and intrigue.

Date of Birth (DOB)

Rahu was born on December 28, making her astrological sign a Capricorn.


Standing at an impressive 181cm, Rahu commands attention with her towering presence.


Rahu’s alignment is ANGER, hinting at her fierce and formidable nature.

Rahu Crimebrands

  • Under S3: Fury + Inversion Slash (there might be a better IS user in your team, though)
  • Otherwise, Fury/Bulwark/Pioneer-Corridor-Oblivion Depth 3rd piece (just for skill damage)


Bloodthirsty Guardian

Rahu possesses the Bloodthirsty Guardian ability, which makes her a formidable defender. She can block two enemies simultaneously, making her an invaluable asset in challenging battles.

Erica Villa Incidents

Rahu is known for her involvement in the Erica Villa Incidents, showcasing her importance in the game’s narrative.

Sinner Information

Rahu is classified as a Sinner, a designation that often carries significant implications in the game’s lore. She excels in defending and has a unique mechanic tied to her health.

Mania Intensify

Rahu’s Mania Intensify ability, known as Vengeance, triggers [Counterblow] when her weapon form switches to [Guardian Blade]. This skill allows her to respond effectively to different combat situations.

Exclusive Crimebrand

Rahu wields the Exclusive Crimebrand known as “No Way Back,” further enhancing her capabilities and making her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Additional Information

Voice Actor

Rahu’s character is brought to life by the talented voice actor Tang Yajing (CN). The voice acting adds depth and personality to the character.

Name Variations

Rahu’s Chinese name is “罗睺,” showcasing the multicultural aspects of the game and its characters.

Basic Attributes

As Rahu progresses in the game, her attributes evolve. Here’s an overview of her attributes at various levels:

  • Level 10: TBA
  • Level 20: TBA
  • Level 30: TBA
  • Level 40: TBA
  • Level 50: TBA
  • Level 60: TBA
  • Level 70: TBA
  • Level 80: TBA
  • Level 90: TBA


Compliance is a crucial aspect of Rahu’s character development. As her compliance level increases, she gains various bonuses and enhancements. Here are the milestones of her compliance journey:

  • 10% Compliance: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, ATK+4, HP+81
  • 20% Compliance: ATK+4, HP+81
  • 30% Compliance: ATK+4, HP+82
  • 40% Compliance: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 1, ATK+4, HP+82 (Unlock Requirements: Dispatch Rahu 2 times)
  • 50% Compliance: ATK+4, HP+82
  • 60% Compliance: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term
  • 70% Compliance: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 2
  • 80% Compliance: Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 3 (Unlock Requirements: Change Rahu - Rank Up to an outdoor Supervision subject)
  • 90% Compliance: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, Sticker
  • 100% Compliance: Unlock File: Performance in Serving Term, Unlock Voice: Full Compliance, Oath of Allegiance


Rahu’s journey also involves overcoming various shackles, which grant her unique advantages. Here are the stages of her shackles:

  • Stage 1: Alive in Death’s Face
    • Reduce the stacks needed for [Battle Will] to trigger [Counterblow] by 2.
  • Stage 2: Shackles Sync I
    • Physical Damage increases by 8%.
  • Stage 3: Sweet Revenge
    • Rahu recovers 10% of her Max HP when [Counterblow] is triggered.
  • Stage 4: Energy Overflowing
    • At the start of the battle, Rahu gains 15 points of energy.
  • Stage 5: Shackles Sync II
    • Physical Damage increases by 8%.


Dark Night/Rain Burst

  • Basic Attack
  • Rahu can activate [Eclipse Shadow] to switch the current weapon form.
  • Using the [Armguard] for attacks inflicts (Attack *56.8%) Physical Damage with each strike.
  • When wielding the [Guardian Blade], the attack radius extends to a 3x3 square. The frequency of attacks slightly increases, dealing (Attack *75%) Physical Damage with each strike.

Eclipse Shadow

  • Ultimate
  • Activate the Ultimate to swap between the [Guardian Blade] and [Armguard].
  • With [Armguard], Rahu’s normal attacks heal 1.5% of her lost HP.
  • When wielding the [Guardian Blade], Rahu gains a 20% Attack boost but reduces her Defense by 20% and drains 5% of her Max HP per second.


  • Passive
  • Every time Rahu takes damage, she gains a stack of [Battle Will], stacking up to 5 times per second at most. In [Guardian Blade] mode, her normal attacks add another [Battle Will] stack upon landing a hit. After stacking 12 [Battle Will], Rahu unleashes [Counterblow], dealing (Attack *320%) Physical Damage to nearby enemies. [Counterblow] can stack up to 3 times.


  • Passive
  • Enemies hit by [Counterblow] take 8% more Physical Damage for the next 10 seconds.


  • Exclusive Crimebrand Skill
  • Rahu’s Exclusive Ultimate, “Unyielding,” boosts Attack by 10% and keeps her HP above 35% of her Max HP. This effect lasts for 10 seconds.
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy