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Shalom Build And Crimebrands Recomendation Path To Nowhere

Shalom Build & Crimebrands Recomendation

Path To Nowhere New Sinner, introduces you to a plethora of unique characters. Among them, Shalom, with the codename MBCC-S-017, is a standout S-Rank character that boasts a set of extraordinary abilities. In this article, we’ll delve deep into Shalom’s background, skills, and how to harness her potential in your gameplay.

shalom crimebrands

Shalom’s Background and Origins

Shalom is a mysterious character with a shrouded past. Her gender is female, but her birthplace remains unknown, adding an aura of enigma to her character. She was born on September 19 and stands at a height of 167cm. Shalom’s alignment is marked by ‘SLOTH,’ giving her a unique perspective on the world of Path To Nowhere.

Sinner Information

Shalom is an adept Sinner who specializes in attacking with Schorl, a powerful ability. She gains a 5% increase in damage dealt and an extra 5% increase against enemies with broken cores. Her Mania Intensify ability allows her to conquer enemies with even greater prowess, dealing 10% more damage and an additional 10% against foes with broken cores.

Name Variations

In the Chinese version of the game, Shalom is known as ‘瑟琳,’ adding an international flavor to her character.

Shalom’s Skills

Shalom possesses a unique set of skills that make her a force to be reckoned with in Path To Nowhere. Let’s take a closer look at her abilities:

Anchor - Basic Attack

Shalom’s basic attack, Schorl, eliminates all risks threatening her. Each strike deals 85% of her Attack as Magic Damage.

Reticence - Ultimate

Shalom’s ultimate ability uses Schorl to deliver three ranged strikes. The first deals 120% of her Attack as Magic Damage and 1 point of Core Damage to all enemies within a single square. The second strike deals 240% of her Attack as Magic Damage and 1 point of Core Damage to all enemies within a cross area. The third strike unleashes a devastating 720% of her Attack as Magic Damage to all enemies within a diamond-shaped area.

Onyx Refraction - Passive

Shalom’s passive ability, Onyx Refraction, allows her to refract damage across a diamond-shaped range, with up to 3 refractions. The refracted damage lessens by 24% with each subsequent refraction.

Error Correction - Passive

With Error Correction, Shalom gains a 7% Attack boost. When her ability [Silence] strikes an enemy, one additional [Anchor] damage is dealt. Each range strike can deal up to 1 times.

Surveillant - Exclusive Crimebrand Skill

Shalom’s exclusive Crimebrand Skill, Surveillant, grants her a 15% increase in Normal Attack Damage. It also introduces a new Exclusive Ultimate, [Surveillant], which creates an indestructible [Prism] on the designated grid, lasting 12 seconds. Notably, [Onyx Refraction] can refract to the Prism when there are no refractable targets within range. [Surveillant] has a 12-second cooldown period after each use and can only be used twice per battle. With each skill level-up, Shalom’s Normal Attack Damage increases:

  • Level 2: Gain a 22.5% increase
  • Level 3: Gain a 30% increase

Crimebrands Recommendation

Shalom’s Crimebrands Recommendation includes several powerful options. “Embrace of the Dead” increases Attack by 3%-6% and Health by 5%-10%. It also boosts damage dealt to enemies in a Breaking state by 40%. Additionally, you can consider using “Overthrown Tower & Inversion Slash” for added versatility.

Shalom’s Role in the Game

Shalom, also known as 瑟琳 in the Chinese version, is an S-Rank character with exceptional abilities. She made her debut in the Rain Burst event alongside Rahu and became a playable character during the Flora Unfurl event alongside Christina and Coquelic. To obtain Shalom, players could participate in her limited-time Arrest Silent Order event, but she is no longer available now that the event has ended.

Basic Attributes

Shalom’s basic attributes evolve as she levels up:

  • Level 10: HP - 894, Attack - 171, Defense - 52, MRes - 53, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 20: HP - 1334, Attack - 237, Defense - 77, MRes - 79, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 30: HP - 1762, Attack - 312, Defense - 102, MRes - 103, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 40: HP - 1994, Attack - 353, Defense - 115, MRes - 117, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 50: HP - 2521, Attack - 448, Defense - 146, MRes - 149, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 60: HP - 2754, Attack - 489, Defense - 159, MRes - 163, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 70: HP - 2986, Attack - 530, Defense - 173, MRes - 176, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 80: HP - 3612, Attack - 642, Defense - 209, MRes - 213, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86
  • Level 90: HP - 3844, Attack - 683, Defense - 223, MRes - 227, Block - 1, Speed - 0.86

Compliance and Upgrades

Shalom’s compliance and upgrades play a crucial role in her performance:

  • 10% compliance unlocks File: Performance in Serving Term, ATK+6.
  • 20% compliance grants ATK+6.
  • 30% compliance awards ATK+7.
  • 40% compliance unlocks Voice: Special Conversation 1 and grants ATK+7 (Unlock Requirements: Dispatch Shalom 2 times).
  • 50% compliance provides ATK+7.
  • 60% compliance unlocks File: Performance in Serving Term.
  • 70% compliance unlocks Voice: Special Conversation 2.
  • 80% compliance unlocks Voice: Special Conversation 3 (Unlock Requirements: Change Shalom - Rank Up to an outdoor Supervision subject).
  • 90% compliance unlocks File: Performance in Serving Term and a Sticker.
  • 100% compliance unlocks File: Performance in Serving Term, Voice: Full Compliance, and Gentle Riddle Ballad.


Shalom’s Shackles are key to her abilities and power progression. They are as follows:

  • Stage 1: Guidance Assistance - [Onyx Refraction] refracts an extra time.
  • Stage 2: Shackles Sync I - Attack +5%.
  • Stage 3: Command Execution - Shalom’s Normal Attack Damage to enemies increases their suffering by 4%. This can be stacked up to 5 stacks and lasts 10 seconds.
  • Stage 4: Energy Overflowing - At the start of the battle, Shalom gains 18 points of Energy.
  • Stage 5: Shackles Sync II - Attack +5%.

In conclusion, Shalom is a remarkable character in Path To Nowhere, offering a unique set of skills and abilities that can make a significant impact on your gameplay. Unlock her full potential, and she will undoubtedly be a valuable asset in your journey through the game.

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